That image is from One Piece.
Mr.2 Bon-Clay says 「ありがとう!!!」 (Arigato!!!)
First of all, 「.......」 (kagi-kakko) is equal to the English quotation "........".
We use them words or sentences that people actually say.
We do not use them in a word that does not actual meaning what you are saying English.
ありがとう means thank you.
We use it a lot when you appreciated somebodies actions.
ありがとう is used only casual situation.
We use ありがとうございます(arigato gozaimasu) or どうもありがとう (domo arigato)
to strangers, elderly, or senior people. A more polite form.
When you say どうもありがとうございます(domo arigato gozaimasu) sounds much more polite.
If you want to say even politer, まことにありがとうございます(Makotoni arigato gozaimasu) would be great, but very serious sounding. We use it only for business. royal family, high class, never for friends and family.
Do you want to read manga(Japanese comics) in Japanese? It will be so much fun to read it in Japanese! This is a blog for people who are interested in manga and Japanese language. If you have any concerns or questions, just leave comments for me.
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2 仕事中(しごとちゅう)に 酒(さけ)を 飲(の)む。(I) drink sake(alcohol) while working.
3 公園(こうえん)で 友達(ともだち)と 遊(あそ)ぶ。(I) play with (my) friends at the park.
4 図書館(としょかん)で 友達(ともだち)と 話(はな)す。(I) talk to (my) friends at the library.
図書館で友達と話してもいいですか。4 会社(かいしゃ)に 遅刻(ちこく)する。 (I) am late for work.
会社に遅刻してもいいですか。5 日曜日(にちようび)に 遅(おそ)く 起(お)きる。(I) wake up late on Sunday morning.
日曜日に遅く起きてもいいですか。6 試験(しけん)の時(とき)、 隣(となり)の人(ひと)の 答(こた)えを 見(る)。(I) look at the next person's answer during an exam.
試験の時 、隣の人の答えを見てもよろしいですか。
7 ここで サッカーを する。(I) play soccer here.
ここでサッカーをしてもいいですか。8 プールで たばこを 吸(す)う。 (I) smoke in the swimming pool.
プールでたばこを吸ってもいいですか。9 病気(びょうき)の時(とき)、 学校(がっこう)を 休(やす)む。(I) am absent from school when (I) am sick.
10 図書館(としょかん)で 本(ほん)を 8冊(はっさつ) 借(か)りる。(I) borrow eight books from the library.
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